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Our Ontario G1 Mock Test is updated to a 2025 exam-like experience that mimics the real Ontario G1 driving exam in every possible way to make users familiar with the test questions and ace them in their first attempt. The test contains 40 questions, just like the actual exam, which will test your road sign recognition (questions 1-20). It will also test your knowledge of road rules (questions 21-40). In order to pass, you need to score 16 points in each section of the exam. The exam will cost you $158.25 for a package that includes full fees for G1, G2, and G licenses in Ontario, which are to be deposited at the Drive test location by those who are authorized for the graduated driver's license program. An additional fee of $15.75 will be charged for each attempt. Our G1 mock test will prepare you in such a way that you can ace your exam on your first attempt.
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incorrect8 mistakes allowed
Pass : 80%
Final Test
Identify the Road Sign
This sign means that bikers give right-of-way to the pedestrians.
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More G1 Mock Tests (SIGNS & RULES)